先行票使用規則 Mr. Hoffmann’s Toy Box Advance Visitor Pass Rules
- 購買先行票,可於活動正式開場前入場排喜愛的攤位!
- 票劵價格:TWD 450
- 發行數量:400 張。
- 票劵編號:0001 ~ 0400
- 販售時間:Coming Soon
- 若售完將提早截止,不再加印。
- 未售完將自動作廢。
- 活動當天將不會販售先行票。
《Mr. Hoffmann’s Toy Box》Advance Visitor Pass
《Mr. Hoffmann’s Toy Box》先行チケットのご案内
《호프만의 장난감 상자 파티》 특혜 입장권
《กล่องของเล่นของ Mr.Hoffmann กฎการใช้บัตรล่วงหน้》
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The organizer reserves the right to change, modify, interpret and cancel this event at any time.
If there are any changes, the organizer will announce it on the relevant website and it will take effect immediately without further individual notification.
The organizer reserves the right to change, modify, interpret and cancel this event at any time.
If there are any changes, the organizer will announce it on the relevant website and it will take effect immediately without further individual notification.