申請須知 Application Terms & Conditions
霍夫曼的玩具箱將邀請至少 300 間海內外人形玩偶相關商業品牌、工作室、社團、個人創作者參加 2025 年春日 & 冬日派對!
Mr. Hoffmann’s Toy Box 2025 Spring & Winter Dolly Party is calling for more than 300 doll related brands, studios, groups, or individual artists from all around the world!
海內外海內外人形玩偶相關商業品牌、工作室、社團、個人創作者。 商品範圍: 球體關節人形、膠皮玩偶、可動公仔、可動絨毛或羊毛氈玩偶、以及上述創作之相關配件與素材。 錄取依據:
曾違反或經檢舉有以下紀錄 1 次者, 將不予錄取:
Commercial brands, studios, groups, or individual artists. Product Range: Ball-jointed Doll, PVC Doll, Action Figures, Action Stuffed Toys or Wool-felting Figures, and related accessories or materials. A Successful Application Must Be:
Applicant with any below records will not be accepted:
※手機預覽請將畫面向左滑動。 | |
✦ 攤位使用範圍內可自由架設展示架、海報架、品牌標示等裝置,但須妥善固定。 ✦ 可以拍照或攝影,但必須經過當事人或所有人同意。 ✦參加廠商可自行決定收款方式(現金、信用卡、行動支付等)但交易過程請務必與消費者清楚溝通並保持禮貌與尊重。若有任何交易糾紛,請攤位工作人員自行協調並負責。 ✦ 參展攤位可自行決定販售方式(先到先得、抽選販售、競標販售等)但必須遵守霍夫曼的玩具箱先行票入場與排隊規則,以保障持先行票入場之來賓的基本權益。如因參展攤位自行公告或調整之販售方式造成消費糾紛,請攤位工作人員自行協調並負責。 ✦ 垃圾請統一丟棄於攤位垃圾袋內、並於撤場時放置於垃圾收集區。 ✦ 若遇來賓排隊,攤位工作人員請主動整隊、或尋求活動工作人員協助,避免影響鄰近攤位或場內動線。 ✦ 媒體採訪、學術調查需求請於活動前 1 個月寫信至 [email protected] |
✦ Set up displaying or poster stands, brand logos inside your own booth space. But please ensure to fix them carefully. ✦ Taking photos or video. But please ask for a consent in advance. ✦ Decide your own payment methods (Cash, Credit Card, APPs) but must ensure to communicate with your customers carefully. Mr. Hoffmann’s Toy Box will not be able to take any responsibility if there are arguments from customers. ✦ All trashes must be putted into the trash bag and bring to the collecting area when event finishes. ✦ Decide your own selling methods (first come first get, lottery, biding, etc.) but must follow Mr. Hoffmann's Toy Box's advance visitor pass rules, to protect the right of advance visitor pass holders. If there is agreement caused by your selling methods, Mr. Hoffmann's Toy Box will not able to take any responsibilities. ✦ Vendors must maintain the queue in front of your booth, or request supports from Mr. Hoffmann’s Toy Box. ✦ For any press request, please contact below E-Mail 30 days before the event: [email protected] |
攤位禁止事項 | THINGS DO NOT DO |
✦ 3 歲以上、12 歲以下之孩童禁止入場。 ✦ 除導盲犬之外,所有活體動物禁止入場。 ✦ 禁止於活動規定時間以前,與來賓或攤位進行任何交易或於其他攤位前排隊。 ✦ 攤位入場劵不可使用於一般來賓入場,一般來賓入場劵不可使用於攤位入場。 ✦ 禁止販售任何與活動規定商品範圍以外、侵犯他人著作權或智慧財產權、活體動物、生鮮食品、武器、危險或違反中華民國法律之物品。 ✦ 活動場館與所在園區全面禁止吸菸、生火、攜帶武器、交易危險或違禁品等違反中華民國法律之行為。 ✦ 禁止自行增設桌椅或大型陳列道具、以及釘牆、黏貼膠帶、噴漆等破壞性裝置,違者將按活動場館管理單位之規定照價賠償。 ✦ 禁止於活動場館內與週邊發放廣告傳單、連署、或進行媒體採訪、學術調查、募款、以及任何涉及蒐集個人資訊之行為。 ✦ 禁止於場館內進行 Cosplay 換裝、表演、攝影等活動,Cosplay 服裝或道具長寬高任一邊超過 2 公尺者,禁止入場。 ✦ 請勿未經允許將個人物品放置於其他攤位之設備或使用範圍。 ✦ 請勿未經允許使用其他攤位之設備或使用範圍。 ✦ 請勿阻礙通道、出入口、以及緊急逃生口。 ✦ 請勿於場館內奔跑、推擠。 |
✦ Children over 3 under 12 years old are not allowed to enter the event venue. ✦ All animals are not allowed to enter the venue, instead of guide dog. ✦ Queue or purchase behaviors are not allowed before the event officially starts. ✦ Staff pass can not be used at visitor entrance, and same as the visitor pass. ✦ Products which are not under above product ranges, violating others’ rights, living animals, fresh food, weapons, or anything against Taiwan’s law are not allowed to enter the event venue. ✦ Set up tables, chairs, furniture, large size displaying stands, and anything will destroy event’s supplies or venue are not allowed. Offenders will compensate according to the cost. ✦ DMs, petitions, interviews, researches, fundraising, and any behaviors related to personal information collecting are not allowed inside or around the event venue. ✦ Cosplay outfits changing, performing, photographing behaviors are not allowed inside or around the event venue. Cosplay costumes and props over 2 m are not allowed to enter the event venue. ✦ Please do not leave your personal belongings outside your own booth space. ✦ Please do not take other vendor’s supplies or spaces without permission. ✦ Please do not block aisles, entrances, and emergency exits. ✦ Please do not run or push inside the event venue. |
✦ 若發現上述禁止事項,請務必告知活動工作人員,以便協助處理。 ✦ 攤位工作人員若違反上述禁止事項,請配合活動工作人員撤出會場。 ✦ 如因違反上述事項導致攤位無法繼續參加活動,攤位費用將無法退還、攤位負責人亦需承擔一切可能發生之損害賠償或相關責任(包括但不限於和解金、訴訟費用、律師費用)與霍夫曼的玩具箱無涉。 |
✦ If you find above DO NOT DO situations on the event day, please call event staff. ✦ If you or your staff against above DO NOT DO rules, please leave the venue according to event staff’s directions. ✦ Please note your booth fee is not refundable if yourself or your staff against above DO NOT DO rules. You might also have to compensate according to the cost and take the related responsibilities (including but not limited to settlement, legal charges, layer fee) Mr. Hoffmann’s Toy Box will not take any responsibilities. |
報到須知 Vendor Check-In
攤位轉讓 Booth Transfer
攤位轉讓步驟 Booth Transfer Process
攤位轉讓資訊 Booth Transfer Form
Please full fill below information and send back to [email protected] before 2025. 4. 10:
The organizer reserves the right to change, modify, interpret and cancel this event at any time.
If there are any changes, the organizer will announce it on the relevant website and it will take effect immediately without further individual notification.
The organizer reserves the right to change, modify, interpret and cancel this event at any time.
If there are any changes, the organizer will announce it on the relevant website and it will take effect immediately without further individual notification.